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Dimentional letters // Monument Signs // Column Graphics // ADA Compliance
Monument & Dimentional Lettering

 The projects shown here include : Santa Clara Parking Structure/Chabot College/Stockton Regional Transit/Ceres Comunity Center


Material used on these projects include Cast and flat cut metal letters up to 53" Formed Plastic and Acrylic letters


ADA Compliance

Braille, T24 and other ADA compliant signs are the majority of the signs we put up. Projects featured here include: Chabot College/Lathrop Generations/


Materials used include laser engraved acrylic and sandblasted signs.

Wayfinding & Graphics

Projects highlighted here include: Santa Clara parking structure/Concord High School/ Lathrop Generations/Chabot College


Materials used: Paint used with vinyl mask. Evacuation route plans printed on vinyl. Acrylic sheets.

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